Thursday, December 30, 2010

Well, I dyed my last lot of fabric for the Nancy Crow class. However, some of the other colours didn't come out that well, so I have overdyed them. These seemed to have worked better. I think my water was too hot when I rinsed the colur out. This time I used cold water & that seems to be better. Today we went over to Tauranga to meet Waynes granddaughter, Charlotte, born yesterday. She is beautiful. Will finish getting ready tomorrow then drive to Lower Hutt on Sat. I am getting excited now. See ya.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Josephine my eldest daughter (right) & her friend Grace.

Competed Dragon

Finally finished. Gave this to Benjamin in the weekend. He really loved it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dragon Quilt

I haven't done any additions to this blog as I haven't been able to work out how to add anything to it. So I hope this works.
I ahve been working on another dragon quilt this year.
Any way. Above are some progress photos.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

3rd Jan 2010

The dragon has been done in a collage style. It is my own design. I loved making it
The Teddy quilt was made fo a baby in Aussie. I dyed the background fabric.

The dogs are a Laurel birch pattern made for my Nephew

This inspiration for this quilt was from a photo I took at Harwoods Hole. It was started in a class I took with Jill Amesbury at 'In Stitches" in Hamilton.

This Hand bag quilt is from a Stargazy pattern. It was made 3 years ago for my daughters 18th birthday.

This is a bag I recently made using a laurel Birch design. it is for my friends daughter


This is my first attempt at this. I am doing it as I'm interested in the Nancy Crow class and want to join in with blogging from that site. I generally don't read blogs, so I haven't a clue as to what it's all about. However,it's good to learn new things.

A bit about myself. I live in a small village just South of Te Awamutu where I work. I have always loved creating from fabric. It used to be garments, (which I still love to do, but time doesn't allow for all pleasures) At the moment it is quilting. I have attended quite a few classes (Last 2 Symposiums & a few others) mostly to learn new teqniques. However, due to time restrictions, I have found that I mostly spend a lot of my sewing time working on finishing projects from said classes & not much else. I have decided it is now time to move forward & need to decide what direction to go in as I enjoy quite a wide variety of different work. I feel a bit stuck as to what to do. I am looking at the Nancy Crow class BUT I am also looking into City & Guilds. I am very interested in Nancy Crow as I like the idea of learning more on composition & colour. However her style is not mine. I am not sure if that is a problem or not. It is also a delema dicing on which class to attend.
Anyway, that is probably enough for now. I am going to try adding a coupl of my latest quilts for you to view.