Friday, September 30, 2011

Challenge #4 Feminity

This is my next 12x12 challenge. Feminity was my choice. You would have thought that would make it easier. I had some definite ideas that I wanted to do. However, after doing some research and deciding on the new techique I wanted to use. The whole thing changed.
I used a technique from Quilting Arts magazine, issue 39, pg 50. Cracked paper quilts.

I printed ideas onto normal copy paper. cut them up. stitched them together with white thread, then quilted it onto pellon and backing fabric.

I then cut away the excess and cut out the dove & two symbols. I trimmed the edge around them slightly to create a gap. Then sewed across the gap to rejoin them onto the main piece. I also decided I didn't like the legs at the bottom. (A friend wanted to know why I had a mountain at the bottom??) So I cut them out. I coated the entire piece with gel medium. I bought some ages ago but had never used it. GREAT!

I then printed these images onto tissue paper and glued them onto a paper towel. I hand stitched them, cut them out and glued them on top of the quilt.

 Hmmmm. I'm not sure why the photos are this way around.
Ah well!
Okay, so time to paint the background.
Oh, I also stistched a lady in the centre with white thread and painted over the stitching lines

  more painting. I think the painted lady in the last photo is too bright.
This is my finished piece with some closeups. I decided the lady was too bright so I glued ripped strips of tissue paper over the top. I the sealed the piece with more gel medium.

And so 'Co-existing, feminity vs feminism' is born.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Believe in the Faeries

'Believe in the Faeries' Finally finished & given to Charlotte.

Challenge #3

Challenge #3 Christchurch Rocks
I collaged together images printed on fabric. Made a fabric doll using a photo af Altiyan Childs at the Christchurh concert as inspiration and so 'Save Our City' was born.