Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have joined a 12x12 group & this is my first piece.

Going Round in Circles

With an off centre focus, 19” circular

12 x 12 No 1

Feb March 2011

The idea of this is to try new techniques, so after lots of ideas swirling around in my head, I decided on the following –

I had A Quilting Arts mag showing how to do Mokume & Ori-nui dyeing. I would love to try this. After my second dyeing attempt, I felt I had something I could work with. It had too much white on it for my liking so I brushed a light layer of Bronze paint stick over the top. I liked the organic look, so decided to try hand stitching to give it texture & to enhance the patterning. (I usually prefer the sewing machine) I decided to try different weights of thread. It then needed something to lift it so I added some beads. And last of all, the off centre focus of Angelina fibre & some more beads.

I seem to have ended up with something cosmic!

Threads used

Wool, variegated crotchet thread, rayon, metallic and variegated cotton